Our Lady's Clonskeagh National School
Welcome to Our Lady's ClonskeaghEducating and Nurturing the next generation of students.
Our Environment
Our Lady’s National School is a Co-Ed primary parish school. Founded in 1958 it has been serving the parish of Clonskeagh and the surrounding areas for more than half a century. It is a mainstream mixed school with classes from Junior Infants to Sixth class.
Location: St. Columbanus Road, Dublin 14
Telephone: +353 (1) 298 1989
Email: olnsclonskeagh@gmail.com
School Hours: M-F: 8.50am – 2.45pm
Roll Number: 19922E
Learn By Doing
The curriculum is carefully designed to have challenge and balance. Pupils are well grounded in Mathematics and English; teachers push the pupils’ interests and further their development in many subjects, and project work encourages mental aptitude as well as preparing pupils for the future.
There are many opportunities to enrich class work through trips and workshops. Irish is studied from Junior Infants through to 6th class with a good standard being achieved by all pupils.
Our Lady’s Mission & Ethos
Our Lady’s N.S. strives to provide a joyful learning environment that empowers children to reach their educational and personal potential.
Our Lady’s N.S. is committed to providing an environment that promotes self-worth, in which the unique social, emotional, physical and intellectual needs of each pupil are addressed. Teachers will adhere to implementing the latest curriculum. This will be executed in a cohesive, democratic system of communication between all the partners involved, for the optimum development of the child.
A Word
From Our Principal
” Our Lady’s aims to provide a caring and enlightened environment in which the talents of each individual flourish. We encourage our pupils to be creative, tolerant and to strive for academic, sporting and cultural excellence. Respect for tradition and an openness to innovation are equally valued. Our small size and envious pupil-teacher ratio allow Our Lady’s to foster a family atmosphere at the school where all students are cherished and nurtured equally. “
– Mrs Edel Collins
Fáilte Romhaibh
“Ar shon gach aon duine at‡ p‡irteach i Scoil na Maighdine Muire anseo ins Na Glas‡in I gCluain Sceach ba mhaith liom f‡ilte fial flaithiœil a chur romhadh.
Is m—r an on—ir domsa a bheith mar phr’omho’de don scoil iontach seo a bhfuil c‡it air i bhfad is i gcéin. Gach rath oraibh go léir.
Edel Collins
Pr’omhoide “

Our Upcoming Curricular Events & Activities
Our School
Facilities and Organizations
Our Lady’s is proud of the range of facilities the school offers to its pupils. We are continually assessing the needs of our students and, with the help of the school community, upgrading the facilities accordingly.

PA Organization
The mission of the Parents’ Association of Our Lady’s National School, Clonskeagh is to provide support to the pupils, parents and staff in the nurturing and education of all our children, in an inclusive environment with the help of our local community.
School Meals Program
Our Lady’s N.S. is part of the Department of Education and Skills School Meals Programme. We promote a healthy diet through our service provider.
Academic Standards
The academic standards are consistantly high at Our Lady’s and we take great pride in our pupils achievments both in and out of the classroom.
Extracurricular Activities
Our Lady’s provide many extracurricular activities for pupils covering a wide variety of interests and abilities. Our Home School Community Liaison Officer organises many parent classes throughout the academic year also
Technology In the Classroom
The school is well equipped with an array of digital devices such as laptops, tablets, cameras, and interactive white-boards in every classroom. For more details on the school’s ICT facilities visit our ICT page.
Our News & Announcements
Keep up to date wit the latest news, information and announcements from Our Lady’s Clonskeagh National School.
Project Work – Intercultural Day
All classes have been working hard on projects for our annual Intercultural Day. This is just a small sample of the wonderful work completed. The hall looked amazing with all of this fantastic work on display. Everyone enjoyed learning about so many different...
Project work – Fifth Class
Fifth Class have been learning all about life in China. They split into groups and each group researched different aspects of Chinese life, culture and history. Some sections were completed in Mandarin!
Project Work – First Class
First class have been learning all about life in the Philippines this week. They learned about native animals such as the Philippine eagle, whale shark, tarsier and tamaraw and also about famous places and landmarks. There are over 7000 active volcanoes in the...
After School programs
Years Established
Get In Touch
Location: St. Columbanus Road, Dublin 14
Telephone: +353 1 298 1989
Email: olnsclonskeagh@gmail.com
School Hours: M-F: 8am – 3pm
Privacy Policy
Please read our privacy policy or visit our policy page to browse all of our school policies. These policies are updated on and ongoing basis so check back to see the latest versions.