Art Programme- Depicting Diversity Project

A few weeks ago, a lady called Mags from the art gallery came into our class to do an art lesson with us. First, we had to look at a few pictures that are in the art gallery. Next, we looked at John Hume. John Hume won a Nobel peace prize for ending the troubles in Northern Ireland. Then we started with our own art. For our art, we got big pages and drew self-portraits. When we were finished, Mags ripped our art into three different parts – the head, the top and the bottom. Then Mags mixed and matched the people. Now our art is hanging up in the school hall”.
Livia Holmes, Fourth Class (Ms Bryant)

“When the art gallery workers came to our class we started by looking at a quote by John Hume. ‘Difference is an accident of birth’. After that, we started looking at some paintings in the gallery. We all believed a man was rich but he was not. After that painting we looked at one by someone who was actually rich. It was an extremely realistic painting. Then we did
pastel painting and we mixed them up.”
Conn FitzGerald, Fourth Class (Ms Bryant)